Oferte Cazare Hoteluri Diber County 2024, cu preturi minime

Am gasit 1 variante de cazare in Diber County

Preturi pornind de la 70.33 EUR / noapte

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Oferta cazare  la Hotel Piazza

Evaluare obtinuta in urma experientei agentilor proprii, a partenerilor nostri, a aprecierilor turistilor nostri si din alte surse disponibile public.

din 49 evaluari


Oferta cazare Peshkopi Albania

Located in the city center in the main boulevard Peshkopi Elez Isufi, hotel Piazza ranked as one of the most prestigious hotels in this city. Opened in 2012, with a particular style and with an appropriate design of the rooms makes the hotel most comfortable in this city. Hotel Piazza is one of the favourites of foreign tourists and local business groups. Hotel offers 20 rooms with a flat-screen TV, air-conditioning and a balcony. Guests can enjoy a restaurant,a bar with a terrace in the garden, Thermal mineral water springs Llixhat can be reached in 1.5 km.

de la


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